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I am relocating to New Haven, CT with my husband as of August 1 and I am interested in exploring my options in education. We just found out a few weeks ago so I have not transferred my teaching license from Ohio, where we currently live. I have worked as a special ed teacher for 4+ years. My bachelors degree is elementary and special ed, and I have my masters in reading/literacy. What are the options for me if I do not get CT certified? I have looked into private schools, most of which have already filled their positions. I check craigslist.com for random openings and have applied for some jobs, but I am looking for any suggestions or advice you may have about places to look... Thanks so much!
Jenn I would say your only options are private schools with job openings late in the summer or during the year, subbing, or tutoring. However, it sounds like you should'nt have too much of a hard time getting your CT certification. The web site for the CT SDE is [link removed]!)

On 7/17/08, ARI wrote: > I am relocating to New Haven, CT with ...See More
Jul 19, 2008

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