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I have been asked to run a 1/2 day professional development workshop at a school other than my own during a vacation. The school will be paying me and wants to know what my fee is.

I have never done this outside of the school I work in, so I have no idea what a reasonable rate would be. Does anyone have an idea what the going rate is for running such a workshop?
Jenn What RESC are you in? Contact them or check their web site and see what they typically charge for a full-day workshop, divide that in half, and see how you feel about it. You can raise or lower it depending on the amount of personal time you use to prepare for it, as well as for the cost of any materials you prepare.

On 7/26/08, Suzy wrote...See More
Jul 28, 2008
Hal Portner What fee should you ask? This is a concern that causes a fair amount of consternation for many novice presenters. When asked, veteran presenters or facilitators will usually answer “whatever their budget allows” or “find out the going rate, and charge that.” I tend to say it depends on your experience, content, and skills. Here is what I su...See More
Jul 28, 2008
Suzy Thanks, Jenn and Hal, for your input. Excellent suggestions!

I am an ESL teacher, and I will be presenting to a small group of teachers on giving standardized assessments to ELL students. This school has never had ELLs before but will have a few exchange students coming in.

I have experience administering and scoring one of the t...See More
Jul 28, 2008
Suzy Sorry, forgot to answer your question in my other post...LEARN is my RESC.

On 7/28/08, Jenn wrote: > What RESC are you in? Contact them or check their web site > and see what they typically charge for a full-day workshop, > divide that in half, and see how you feel about it. You can > raise or lower it depending on the amount o...See More
Jul 28, 2008
pdleader Hi Suzy, My district automatically pays the administrator rate of $50.00/hr. I am a teacher but often lead training sessions for my subject area and for technology. Hope this helps. Oh, I work in upper Fairfield County in a lower paying district.

On 7/26/08, Suzy wrote: > I have been asked to run a 1/2 day professional > development...See More
Jul 31, 2008

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