DC Teachers
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I was in the 2nd DCTF Cohort and this is my 4th year with
DCPS. If you can get the necessary certification without
the fellows program – do so. It is not worth the time
and/or effort.

This is what I can offer:

Make sure you have money. It took over 3 months to get my
1st paycheck. I had to have a Virginia congressman/aide
call the HR people on my behalf.

Never EVER call a DCPS telephone number unless you can
document the call.

Never EVER give DCPS any documents unless they sign for

DCPS has some of the most inefficient, disorganized,
shuffling/jiving employees you will ever meet. They are
accountable to not a soul. And don't waste your time
complaining (even to the Sups office) as they will continue
the shuffling and jiving routine.

If you are considering DCPS -- look in the mirror RIGHT NOW
and figure out who you are, because this organization will <...See More
gg /blockquote>

On 12/18/05, Janelois wrote:
> I was in the 2nd DCTF Cohort and this is my 4th year with
> DCPS. If you can get the necessary certification without
> the fellows program – do so. It is not worth the time
> and/or effort.
> This is what I can offer:
> Make sure yo...See More
May 13, 2006

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