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Can someone please explain to me why DCPS won't even interview me? I am a Highly Qualified teacher who is licensed in DC with a Masters Degree in Elementary Education. I currently work at a charter school in DC though I have over 6 years of teaching experience. I submitted an online application and maybe a week later received the following response.

"We have received a tremendous number of applications and the quality of applications was extremely high, making this a difficult selection year. After careful consideration, we are unable to extend further consideration to your application. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Just a few days ago I received a response from my summer school application inviting me to come in for an interview. In addition to that I received an email suggesting that I apply for a position during the regular school year because they have many positions available and are looking for qualified teachers. That email was followed by a t...See More
Kerry Hi:

I too am a highly qualified teacher with similar background as yours except that I don't teach in a charter school. I have received a similar email in the past. All I can think of is that they want DC teaching fellows type teachers so they won't have to pay them much.


On 4/30/10, Qualified Teacher wrote: > Ca...See More
May 11, 2010

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