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I KNOW THIS IS A TERRIBLE FEELING!! We all want to pass the Essay test. Sisters and brothers, please share with us the topic. Please.
islander345 Do you have any tips as to how to write the essay? Example the structure?
Jun 13, 2018
alexm1028 navaed has a formula which is very useful to use! Also I took the essay today and my topics were 2 strategies to help teacher shortages and evaluate the benefits of health initiatives in schools. Hope this helps!
Jun 13, 2018
someday I would just do the standard five paragraph essay. Write a thesis statement in your intro paragraph and have 3 ideas (paragraphs) to support the thesis. Write a conclusion. Don't overthink or try to get fancy.
Jun 15, 2018
Erin Took it today - topics were the same: strategies for teacher shortages & benefits of health initiatives. I chose the 2 strategies- it's easier to organize.
Jun 20, 2018

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