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Hello, does anybody here can share resources or study guide for gk els?...email boholblue@gmail.com

Thank you
Angie I'm taking the GK on Nov 6th. I am using NavaED online study guide. I'll let you know how I think it compares to the test.
Nov 3, 2018
Marva0307 The math is exactly like that book. If you can do well on the practice math tests, then you'll pass the math GK
Nov 3, 2018
Marva0307 I need to retake the Reading And ElS parts. So let me know what the reading passages are.
Nov 3, 2018
des hi do u re member any vocabulary word or anything for els?
Nov 10, 2018
Mrs.G NavaEd is FANTASTIC! It helped me pass the ELS and Math section on the 1st attempt (DO ALL THE PRACTICE TESTS). Reading is a little harder. The passages will not me the same, but the concept is the same. I have to practice on my speed reading...I did not pass bc I ran out of time. Going to retake at the end of December. ***Advise for ELS...understa...See More
Nov 27, 2018

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