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I go to take my test December 5th. My school sent me this website http://academic.hhpublishing.com/gkt/start/index.html

School number 5682

School key wuxg

For practice tests and help with all the test if anyone needs it!

I've been studying up on quizlet too but, that site has helped me a lot. Also I failed everything once before and on the website with the results it tells you what you got the least percentage on I've just been focused on those parts and then studying the others.

I wish everyone the best of luck I know I need it if I want to start my bachelors next month!!!
Miriam Thank you for sharing.
Dec 3, 2018
Miriam Trishadaviss can you please email me at mmymingy@aol.com. I would like to share something with you.
Dec 3, 2018

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