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Does anyone have study guides on math (subject area k-6). If so, can you please share. It's the only section I keep failing.

Please and thank you! :)
JD You can buy the Navaed book. That is what I used to pass all the sections of the K-6
Aug 9, 2019
missteachy @John Doe, I have the book, but it didn't help me much ; well, not in the math section that is :( thank you though!
Aug 9, 2019
Faith_2004 I have a k-6 book. For the cost of shipping ($10) its yours
Aug 15, 2019
soccermami Faith, I can send you a check for the k-6 book. Please contact me if you still have it. Thank you! larisa32@juno.com
Aug 20, 2019

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