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Many people rely on representatives of political, religious or other group organizations. Explain two challenges that these representatives face when meeting obligations with their members. Could someone give me some ideas what to write about with this prompt? Thanks! repoxi.bb@gmail.com
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strawjerry1 I had the same topic and I passed it. I posted my talking points on 11/9/19 https://teachers.net/states/fl/topic6001/ strawjerry1 "My two talking points were: Keeping all members informed (communication) and financial transparency. I think meeting deadlines would also work. I used fake examples and statistics. Good Luck!
Dec 30, 2019
Repoxi Thanks strawberry1!!!
Dec 30, 2019
ARS Thanks for the feedback Strawberry1!!
Jan 12, 2020
Lulu22 I think they are looking more at the format of your writing than what you actually write. Of course they are looking at grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. But, I think the main thing is that you have first, an Introduction paragraph with the last line of that sentence being your thesis statement. Second, at least 2 paragraphs about the ...See More
Jan 13, 2020
Lulu22 I think they are looking more at the format of your writing than what you actually write. Of course they are looking at grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. But, I think the main thing is that you have first, an Introduction paragraph with the last line of that sentence being your thesis statement. Second, at least 2 paragraphs about the ...See More
Jan 13, 2020

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