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Will you please send what you have to earl1916@yahoo.com

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Rosemarie Hey Tsch, The reading passage for this month Within a week I will take the reading.

I want to sign up with the math tutor you used. vary513@gmail.com thank you, Rosemarie
Jul 15, 2020
Rosemarie Hey Tsch, The reading passage for this month Within a week I will take the reading.

I want to sign up with the math tutor you used. vary513@gmail.com thank you, Rosemarie
Jul 15, 2020
Rosemarie Hey Tsch, The reading passage for this month Within a week I will take the reading.

I want to sign up with the math tutor you used. vary513@gmail.com thank you, Rosemarie
Jul 15, 2020
Rosemarie Hey Tsch, The reading passage for this month Within a week I will take the reading.

I want to sign up with the math tutor you used. vary513@gmail.com thank you, Rosemarie
Jul 15, 2020
Maryday I took reading test this month already (July 1st) and posted the passages. I'm gonna take it next month but I don't see anybody posting passages. It seems nobody is taking it this month. Can you, please, share it when you take it? Thanks!!!!!!
Jul 15, 2020

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