GA Teachers
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Hello, GA Chatboard!

Does anyone out their have any ideas on the key to getting a position at a virtual school, particularly the Georgia Cyber Academy? (I have applied to at least three positions at GCA, which I believed myself to be qualified for, as I have gotten leads for the same positions at brick and mortar schools.) Each time, I have received "regret" letter. One of the positions I applied for is a rare position and has been posted for a while now; I'd expected to hear something by now. I am starting to wonder if I have been "black balled."

Is their a better chance if you come with a referral from a GCA employee?

Thanks for any helpful hints!


Weary and Discouarged
Julie These virtual schools receive such a large number of applications that it is extremely hard to get in the door without an employee referral. I know this for a fact when it comes to GCA. Ask around - their number of employees keeps growing and I'm pretty sure they offer compensation when a teacher refers someone that gets hired so maybe you can find...See More
Jun 9, 2013

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