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Is there an e-list for middle and high school art teachers? I'd like to share info about this UGA-sponsored design contest.

Each year we have a pin design contest for the Georgia Science and Engineering Fair. The contest is open to any middle or high school student in the state (they do not have to be taking science). The winner receives $150 and is honored at the awards ceremony in Athens in March. The winning design is widely distributed. The pins are given to the 750 state science fair finalists, then an additional 2,000 of the pins are taken to the international pin exchange at the ISEF fair and traded by Georgia students for pins from other states and nations. The image is also used for the cover of the State Science and Engineering Fair Directory.

The entry form is available at [link removed],

Christine Burgoyne Director, Georgia Science and Engineering Fairs & Office of Academic Special Programs (OASP) The University of Georgia Center for Continui...See More

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