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My SO works/ed for a school district where position is being eliminated because of a RIF. She was told to resign because it was best for her future, she chose to take a termination instead. Had a satisfactory review the week before as well. Anyways, push comes to shove and she is given a non-renewal letter that states something completely different from what was outlined and stated to her by multiple members of administration. Is there any recourse? Help us please!
???? Get lawer, request hearing. They will need to prove what the reason for non-renewal.

What was the reason on the letter??

On 5/13/13, Lanier Area Teacher wrote: > My SO works/ed for a school district where position is > being eliminated because of a RIF. She was told to resign > because it was best for her future, she chos...See More
May 20, 2013
Ed Wynn Join MACE. [link removed]

On 5/20/13, ???? wrote: > Get lawer, request hearing. They will need to prove what the > reason for non-renewal. > > What was the reason on the letter?? > > > > > On 5/13/13, Lanier Area Teacher wrote: >> My SO works/ed for a school district where position is >> being elimin...See More
May 21, 2013
Purviben K. Trivedi-Ziemba Is he member of GAE, Page or similar teacher union organization that you are a member of? There was one called MACE (I think) which supposed to be really good teacher's union.

On 5/20/13, ???? wrote: > Get lawer, request hearing. They will need to prove what the > reason for non-renewal. > > What was the reason on the letter??...See More
May 21, 2013

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