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Enter your students in the 2006 Economics Calendar Contest!

What is the Economics Calendar Contest?
2006 Economics Calendar Contest is a poster contest for
students in grades K - 8.

What will my students need to do?
Students are asked to illustrate one of the following
economic concepts in their entry: Scarcity, Goods and
Services, Specialization, Producers and Consumers or
Opportunity Cost.

What will I need to do?
Encourage my students to participate by submitting their
drawing to the poster contest. For ideas, definitions and
excellent lesson plans, visit [link removed].

All entries must be postmarked by May 1, 2006.
Winning students will receive a $50 savings bond and their
entries will be featured in a full-color 2007 Economics
Through the Eyes of Children Calendar that will be seen in
classrooms throughout the State.

It's Free!

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