The American Turkish Society's Education Program is pleased to announce the availability of Curriculum Development Grants for 2011.
The program, which was initiated by The Society in the spring of 2010, offers funds to elementary and secondary school teachers to develop innovative curricula, projects and other classroom activities about Turkey. The Society’s first Curriculum Development Grant was awarded to Harry A. Dawe, former Headmaster of Robert College in Istanbul and current history teacher and college counselor at the Fieldston Upper School in Bronx, New York. Mr. Dawe received support for History 181: East Meets West, for which he developed course material and two chapters of a history text book for use with eleventh and twelfth graders.
Grants vary between $250 and $2,500, and cover the costs of research, materials, speakers, and other expenses incurred by the school or the teacher. The amount of each grant is determined by the project’s scope, the availability of total funds, and the number of projects selected through a competitive process. The American Turkish Society encourages all applicants to identify additional sources of funding where possible. Once selected, grantees will be free to develop their proposed projects without editorial input from The Society. They will, however, participate in follow-up activities for evaluation purposes and will be asked to share any teaching plans, materials and activities with The American Turkish Society for future dissemination.
Application Process: Spring Semester, 2011
Application deadline: November 1 Notification: December 1
Please submit proposals including:
1. A 2-page summary of the proposed project detailing the tools, materials, and methods to be used; the objectives and anticipated impact; and the teacher's relevant qualifications; 2. A project budget, including a detailed breakdown of costs and the grant amount requested; 3. The teacher’s CV; and 4. A letter of support from the teacher’s school.
Interested parties should send proposals to The American Turkish Society at [email removed].
For questions and additional information, please email [email removed].