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I want to take some renewal credits this summer for
Elementary Ed. They have to be real undergrad or grad
credits - not CEUs. I am under rule 46-47. I live up
north in Grant County. I am also looking for low cost -
since I am a sub and don't have tons of money to spend on
coursework. Lots of classes are just too expensive for me -
since I have such a low salary. Thank you.
Job Hunter /blockquote>

Check out classes Ball State offers online. If you happen to
get a contract, they may take your credits you work on this
summer towards a master's at a later time.

[link removed]

On 6/23/08, Lucy wrote:
> I want to take some renewal credits this summer for
> Elementary Ed. They have to...See More
Jun 24, 2008
Lucy /blockquote>

On 6/24/08, Job Hunter wrote:
> Check out classes Ball State offers online. If you happen to
> get a contract, they may take your credits you work on this
> summer towards a master's at a later time.
> [link removed].
Jun 24, 2008

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