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I am taking the Art Praxis 0133 March 14 and I need help! I purchased the praxis study guide but it doesn't seem to be helping at all. I'm a high school English teacher that is trying to teach elementary art. I've passed the elem education tests and now I just need to pass the Art test. I have no Art background/prior knowledge and i've just been reading everything i could. If anyone has some study guides or any type of guidance for me I would be so greatful!! email me please! Cynthia.[email removed]
rt Have you examined these
Mar 6, 2009
Olive Cynthia,

Is 0133 the only Praxis Art exam you are required to take? Are you going to take 0132 and 0131?

On 3/06/09, Cynthia wrote: > I am taking the Art Praxis 0133 March 14 and I need help! I > purchased the praxis study guide but it doesn't seem to be > helping at all. I'm a high school English teacher that is > try...See More
Jul 11, 2009

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