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I am seeking information about the school district there.
What math, science, English, social studies, spelling, and
reading curriculums do they use? Anything else you can
tell me would also be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
sara /blockquote>

Have you gone to their website (eldoradoschools.org) ?
It will probably answer some of your questions.
If you're job hunting...you can also look on the Ks State Bd
of Ed site (ksbe.state.ks.us) and look under job
opportunities (it's USD 490 in the SE part of KS (Zone 4)
Good luck!
Jul 20, 2003
Tina/1/OK /blockquote>

My husband is looking at an opportunity in El Dorado. My
family is in Colby. El Dorado would be 3 hours closer than
where I am now. I'm wondering what the town is like and what
other districts in that area would be good to check into.
Thanks in advance. Tina
Aug 19, 2003
stacey /blockquote>

You might check not only with ElDorado but the Circle district
in Towanda, Bluestem in Leon, Andover district, or Augusta.
Good Luck - Stacey
Feb 20, 2004

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