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Hello,my son and i are still fighting.early this school
year a 4 grade teacher Mrs Bass cusses and threaten my
son.the school board did nothing!My son said a test was
given unfairly in a email(i have email its a nice
compliant)the princal mrs cruthers said it was verbal
abuse.he got 2 hour after school they said or be
expelled .I ask where does a student have rights?not in
Ellington mo.The school board told me they would not touch
the teacher cause 1 she has a rich daddy they said with a
lot of pull.2 they also said they seen nothing wrong
with the teacher calling my son a smart as- little shi-
and saying she wanted to cram her fist down his throat.the
students dont learn anything at school my son wanted out
of a class cause he said he was not learning anything.they
told him they would fail him and he is a 4.0 senior this
year.please Pray for this school thanks
just curious /blockquote>

Where is Ellington, MO?
And, why did you choose to post this on the KS board instead
of the MO board? Ks School Law would have no effect in MO.
Jan 23, 2004

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