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So what can you tell me about 9th grade academies. It
seems like my high school is going to give it a try next
year. Everything I hear seems to indicate they want us to
hold the little kids' hands through 9th grade to ensure
they pass. It will make everything look so good for them,
but then they will have to function on their own in the
10th grade. And why is this necessary? Why is 9th grade
so hard for them now? Is it because high school is hard
or because they are babied so much until high school that
they can't function when asked to function on their own?
So tell me about these wonderful academies.
8th Grade Teacher /blockquote>

Our town does have a 9th grade but it is due to overcrowding
at the high school, not because we are trying to hold their
hands longer. I have heard mixed things about it. Some say
it is great because they have time to adjust before high
school. Others hate it because the kids don't seem to grow
up as fas...See More
Mar 12, 2007

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