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This is my second year of teaching and I hate it. The children are so unruly and nothing I've done(and believe me I've tried everything) has helped. I've involved the administration as well as the parents and have gotten no where. Even the auxiliary teachers complain about my class. I never thought I'd never say this but I hate my job. I can't sleep at the night before the week begins because I dread going to work so much. Help!
1administrator It is hard for me to make a judgement because I don't know the demograpics or location of your school. Is your class behavior typical of the school? Do other teachers have the same problems? Id ir one student, a group of students, or all students? What is admin.s response? What do other teachers suggest? I or others might help with a little more in...See More
Feb 1, 2010
Dissillusioned The school I teach at is private school and three other teachers are having the same problems. The parents have been called, conferenced with and even asked to take their child home when he is being particularly disruptive. I have been told by the auxiliary teachers that in my grade level I have more problem children than the other teachers. I have...See More
Feb 1, 2010

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