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I moved to Springfield, Mass about a 3 weeks ago because the Economy in Cali was terrible. I'm thinking about getting my Teaching Credentials. I have a few friends who are teachers in Cali and they were telling me that certain school Districts or Charter Schools will pay for them to go to school to get their creds as long as they commit x amount of years teaching at their school. I'm looking in to teaching Grade School. Are their any programs like that here in Western Mass? I can use all the advice I can get.

Jarod HM Many urban school districts have alternative certification program for high-needs subject areas. If you go the National Center for Alternative Certification, you can get some information about programs available in the state.

You say you want to teach "grade school." If by that you mean elementary school, you may have a hard time find a p...See More
Mar 30, 2010

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