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Hi everyone,

I'm looking at different post-bac teacher licensing programs and was wondering if anyone here had any experience with the one offered by Framingham State.

I'm also particularly interested in your assessment of the overall job prospects for elementary school teachers in the state.

If it helps any, I'm a male who will be changing careers...
Christine I am wondering why you are choosing Post....If you have a undergrad degree you can pursue a masters degree in teaching. Northeastern University Cambridge College

You do not need to have passed the MTEL to get into these programs. You do need to pass by the time you student teach. I have done a lot of investigation on this degree. Mass is l...See More
Jun 26, 2010
Mary Hi Chris, I'm a career changer and I attended the PBTL program at FSC. My undergrad is in Communications/Media. It was an excellent program. Never having had taken an education course in my life, I felt I needed some preparation before entering the field. I was able to complete it, conduct my student teaching, earn initial licensure, and get a job ...See More
Jul 17, 2010
Chris Thanks for the response Mary! If you don't mind my asking, what grade level do you teach? Also, are there any other programs out there that you feel may be better received by hiring authorities?

On 7/17/10, Mary wrote: > Hi Chris, > I'm a career changer and I attended the PBTL program at FSC. > My undergrad is in Communications/Me...See More
Jul 20, 2010
Em I attended FSC's PBTL program a few years ago and overall it was great. I had my undergrad degree in Psychology and I was a counselor for a few years before deciding to go into education. I thought the program was great and prepared me well for teaching. It was intense at times, and although I worked full time at the beginning, I had to leave my jo...See More
Aug 16, 2010

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