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WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION The November 14th Gen. Curriculum 1 Day Math Workshop is designed for teachers who need comprehensive review of the core math concepts on the General Curriculum Math-Subtest (including Number Sense and Operations, Geometry, Functions (linear), Probability, and Statistic). The workshop will be hosted by Chris Abraham in the Porter Exchange Building at Lesley College. Seating is limited. Pre-registration is required.

WHAT: 1 Day General Curriculum Math Workshop.

WHEN: November 14th, 2010

WHERE: Porter Exchange Building,Cambridge. MA Room:

Registration Guidelines Pre-registration is required to attend the workshop. The cost for the all day workshop is $239. Groups of 2 or more teachers receive a 25% discount= $179 per person.

Space is limited. 5 Seats remaining for the Nov. 14th workshop.

Call Now for more information 617.669.4481 or Email Chris Abraham, M.Ed. directly at [email...See More

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