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I'm trying to convince my wife to spend a year with me living and working abroad. She is currently a middle school English teacher in MA and she is convinced that it would be very difficult to be re-hired upon our return.

She has her MA in Ed and has been teaching for around 6 years. In your experience, would it be very difficult for her to find work again?
Claire Honestly I wouldn't do it with today's economy. I was an unemployed sped teacher for a year. It was the worst year of my life financially. I never thought as a sped teacher I would be unemployed. English teacher are a dime a dozen. Just saying. On 4/11/11, Tim wrote: > I'm trying to convince my wife to spend a year with me > living and workin...See More
Apr 13, 2011
jo/ma I agree with Claire. Your wife would probably have a tough time getting a job, unless the economy changes significantly. She should look into taking an unpaid leave of absence. I know people have done it in my district for up to a year to travel or continue their education.

On 4/13/11, Claire wrote: > > Honestly I wouldn't do it wit...See More
Apr 13, 2011

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