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I really would like for someone to go beyond political affiliation and tell me your honest opinion - was Romney a friend to education when he was governor? I'm from another state ( registered independent) and as I look at his possible candidacy, I want to make an informed decision. How did he treat education in your state?
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I'll give it a try When I read your post, I tried to think back on the Romney years. My memory tells me (and I may be wrong) he just didn't really involve himself in education all that much. He was all about cutting taxes, which did lead to many teacher/staff layoffs, but he rarely talked about education policy. A good thing I believe he did (and many disagree) was t...See More
Apr 19, 2011
sorry... that's political, not poilitical ... nfm On 4/19/11, I'll give it a try wrote: > When I read your post, I tried to think back on the Romney > years. My memory tells me (and I may be wrong) he just didn't > really involve himself in education all that much. He was all > about cutting taxes, which did lead to many teacher/staff > layoffs, but he rarely talked about education ...See More
Apr 19, 2011
Curious Thanks for the feedback. So you think the health care plan is working well in MA? There are some things I like about him as a candidate but I am concerned he wants to implement Pay for Performance ( based on test scores) and he's back-peddled on his stand on the role of the federal government in education. I'm still leaning toward him because of hi...See More
Apr 20, 2011
I'll give it a try... again Assessment of the new Health Care Program has become totally political, so it all depends who you talk to. We have seen several working families at my school get health care who didn't have it previously. But many say we won't be able to sustain the high cost. Romney tends to toe the line 100% instead of making independent decisions like ...See More
Apr 21, 2011
MaGa I agree with the flip flopping, he changes his stance to fit the needs at the time. He also used to make fun of Massachusetts citizens (how "liberal" we are, yet we voted for him). He is inconsistent with his positions, and he is a friend of big business. He may not have raised taxes (much) but he did raise every fee he could. It's going to be an i...See More
Apr 22, 2011

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