MA Teachers
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Hi there-

I just became certified to teach elementary in the state of Michigan--where finding a teaching job is impossible right now. I have applied to a lot of schools in MA...and I've sent out personal emails to principals with my resumes, and I have not gotten 1 interview, but there are a lot of postings for jobs that I keep seeing. I go through the schoolspring website alot. Any information someone could give me would be how hard is it to get a teaching job in MA, or what I could do to better my chances of getting interviews, thanks!
lots of competition My school posted an opening in June and received over 600 resumes for the position. There's lots of competition out there.

On 7/23/11, Chelsea wrote: > Hi there- > > I just became certified to teach elementary in the state of > Michigan--where finding a teaching job is impossible right > now. I have applied to a lot of schoo...See More
Jul 24, 2011
jo/ma Not good news. I think the elementary job situation is likely about the same in Mass. and Michigan. Like the previous poster said, hundreds of teachers apply for each open position. Remember also, we have so many colleges & universities in this area, and thus a huge number of newly certified teachers every year. The way to get into any district...See More
Jul 24, 2011
Other Options I was just home up on Cape Cod with my family last week so one thing I might suggest if you are mobile is to consider applying to the more rural school districts as well as those in the larger cities. Also, consider taking a job to start with in a private or parochial school if that could be an option, too. If you move to the area, you might consid...See More
Aug 3, 2011
Other Options Hi,

I just heard from the young girl I wrote about yesterday as I emailed her to see what had happened. She did go from a full-time aide job here to teaching a summer school class for rising first graders all on her own. She told me she had decided to relocate back to NOVA as her family is there and went and an interview at a major school ...See More
Aug 4, 2011

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