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What helped me pass the FOR was analyzing the questions and answers to the FOR practice test at [link removed]

1) Scroll down to the Foundations Of Reading (90)

2) Download the practice test and Multiple-Choice Questions Analysis.

3) Take the practice test and grade your answers.

4) Look at the explanations provided in the Multiple- Choice Questions Analysis document.

5) Identfy your strengths and weeknesses and use the study guides others have suggested.

6) Take the on-line test, reading the essay questions first and then take notes. As you take the test make notes of all the information that may pertain to the essay questions (include question number for quick reference). This will help with answering the essay questions (especially including the buzz words).

7) Manage your time.

I can't say definitively but I believe most people will be able to increae their scores by three or four points just by studying the ex...See More

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