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I am finishing up grad school, and if everything goes well, will have Masters degree with focus in moderate level disabilities (as well as a teachers licence) within the year. Here is my concern- I'm a 44 year old male- will my age and my gender go against me in procuring a special ed job? Most teachers in that field are almost half my age and female. Thanks
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anon It isn't "sour grapes." Know of what you speak before hitting the keyboard.

Not everybody is like you. And yes, age discrimination is rampant in education.

Wait until it happens to you once you are deemed too old or "too expensive" and have your career stolen from you.

Read Diane Ravitch's blog, newspapers, and other s...See More
Oct 14, 2012
anon Even worse for older new teachers is if they work in one of the 14 states like Massachusetts where public employees such as teachers do not pay into Social Security. Do not work in a state where public employees do not pay into it, for you will be shafted at retirement thanks to WEP/GPO. Your Social Security will be reduced unless you have paid thi...See More
Oct 15, 2012
Other Options I would say that if you have confidence in yourself as a career changer, know your strengths, then go for it. In my opinion, many school districts would welcome a male role model in a class for students with moderate disabilities. It would not hurt to have at least one class in behavior management since so many kids of all labels have the psycholog...See More
Oct 21, 2012
olderteacher I agree with Other Options. We absolutely need more positive male role models in the elementary grades, and especially for our special needs and low-income kids. Some good news. My principal recently hired a new Reading Teacher. She is 52 years old and newly certified. In this case, no men applied for the position.

On 10/21/12, Other Optio...See More
Oct 28, 2012
jabise Now -- please don't be negative. I got a job as a special ed teacher and I was in my fifties. I was a career-changer. Of course I was in a field that had lots of shortages and burnouts. I am now 62, lost my teaching position after 5 years and thought I would never get hired again. I had several job offers over the summer. I am at a new school that ...See More
Nov 28, 2012

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