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Hello, I am a 4th grade teacher in a MA public school. I have a very mean student who is continuously picking on other students every day by physically touching them, hitting them, taking their things, throwing things at them and verbally abusing them. He does this to almost everyone but seems to single out one student more frequently. He makes personal threats to him and insults him and his family. I constantly call for help and he will leave and always return. Sometimes they say "sorry just handle it". I work in an inner city school in western MA and it is a very difficult, needy and low income population. I know administration has their hands full. The picking on this 1 kid has been going on for about 2 weeks but his behavior has gotten progressively worse since sept. He has been suspended once and gotten detention once. I went to my principal last week and he said that they have worse kids and that I have no right to say the "bullying" word and that deciding if ...See More

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