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The truth be known is that the School Dept. is just pushing
the agenda of the Dept Of Human Services in the state of
Maine.(they work hand in hand) they have stated their hate
and discontent for Military Personnel. Sorry to say as long
as everyone sits back does nothing, NOTHING will be done
about it. and they know with enough time it too will go
away. if you don't believe me Just look at the Logan Marr
story. that 5yr old (a brave girl gave her all for
eform)killed at the hands of the state professional's.
Because they are the only ones ENLIGHTENED. so all of you
mainers just sit in you homes thinking you are safe. Don't
worry they will get around to your family. after all we
all know how scared of standing up you all are. even if it
means your children. Mainers couldnt get togather enough
people with a back bone to run a kool-aid stand of one.
you Get what you pay for and elect into office. so there ...See More

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