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Reading (or perhaps "wading" would be more a propos)
through these posts, I find that I am quite frankly
DISGUSTED by how brainwashed all you "Proud Americans"
seem to be by The Shrub (a.k.a. - Bush) and his illegimate
regime. In the past 18 months, I have seen us change from
a country that valued freedom and political differences to
a near totalitarian state that squashes our freedoms
little by little in the mistaken name of Homeland Security
while it's citizens stand by and do NOTHING. "Oh, if it's
for National Security, it MUST be right. Oh, sure, take
more of my freedoms away that the revolutionaries of
1700's fought and died for...sure Mr. Shrub, I give up
most of my civil rights in the name of Homeland Security
so that you and your Regime can continue snipping away at
the last of our rights of privacy. Oh, yes, Mr. Shrub,
I'll gladly give up more of my privacy and civil rights so
that our cou...See More
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Where is Vanna when you need a letter ? /blockquote>

I did not vote for Bush last time but some of the posters (or
should I say imposters) convince me the next time I WILL VOTE
FOR BUSH. BTW Bush not Buck, honestly, do you actually think
that is clever or mature? That kind of nonsense is not
impressive nor does it show any command of the english
language. ...See More
Mar 7, 2003
KY girl /blockquote>

On 3/07/03, Where is Vanna when you need a letter ? wrote:
> I did not vote for Bush last time but some of the posters (or
> should I say imposters) convince me the next time I WILL VOTE
> FOR BUSH. BTW Bush not Buck, honestly, do you actually think
> that is clever or mature? That kind of nonsen...See More
Mar 7, 2003
not born last night /blockquote>

On 3/07/03, KY girl wrote:
> On 3/07/03, Where is Vanna when you need a letter ? wrote:
>> I did not vote for Bush last time but some of the posters (or
>> should I say imposters) convince me the next time I WILL VOTE
>> FOR BUSH. BTW Bush not Buck, honestly, do you actually think
&g...See More
Mar 7, 2003
Blackhawk /blockquote>

On 3/07/03, not born last night wrote:
> On 3/07/03, KY girl wrote:
>> On 3/07/03, Where is Vanna when you need a letter ? wrote:
>>> I did not vote for Bush last time but some of the posters (or
>>> should I say imposters) convince me the next time I WILL VOTE
>>> FOR...See More
Mar 7, 2003
To the NG /blockquote>

On 3/07/03, Blackhawk wrote:
> On 3/07/03, not born last night wrote:
>> On 3/07/03, KY girl wrote:
>>> On 3/07/03, Where is Vanna when you need a letter ? wrote:
>>>> I did not vote for Bush last time but some of the posters (or
>>>> should I say imposters) conv...See More
Mar 7, 2003

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