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Hi, just found this site. My husband has been in a long- term subbing position (we're in the UP) since the beginning of the school year. People keep telling us that once you're there for half the year, the pay should increase to whatever the lowest paid teacher makes. Well in February they bumped him from $80/day to $100/day, but nothing else. Is it possible there's a full time teacher in our district making only $18,000? Or should I go to the district and ask some questions? We don't want to push too many buttons because there's a chance the job will be permanent, but we won't know for a while (probably not until the day before next year starts, the way schools are here). He has a "good chance" of getting the job, so of course we don't want to make anyone angry.
MI Teach I wouldn't speak up... simply because you don't want to rock the boat. I think if you mention it it may annoy someone into writing him off for the job later on.
Apr 26, 2010
8thgradeteacher I am in this same position. I have been subbing in this classroom for the entire year. This job was posted as a long term sub position based on a loophole in the contract. Here is what I know: when I had a long term sub job for a few months just after college, my checks were the equivalent of a first year teacher minus the benefits being taken out....See More
Apr 27, 2010

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