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What is the salryrange for a charter school teacher?
Deb On 9/22/10, Jessica wrote: > What is the salryrange for a charter school teacher?

This is my third year at a Charter School in the Detroit Area as a Special Education Resource Room Teacher. My first year here (1st yr teacher too) I made $32,040, second year I was able to negotiate a salary of $39,500 and then this year the whole school ...See More
Sep 23, 2010
Pam I worked at a charter school in the Grand Rapids area for a year (which also happened to be my first year teaching). I made $33,000 for that year. The school paid for the entire cost of my health insurance, although I did have to pay co- pays when I went to my doctor, but they weren't that expensive. You could participate in the 401k if you wanted,...See More
Sep 23, 2010
longing for public... I was hired in 4 years ago at $35,000. NO teacher has had a raise since I was hired in. optional 401k and insurance was OK... but I'm also longing for that public position cause we work longer hours and a longer year!

Charters are NOT my picnic!!!

I hope they are a fad that phase themselves out!
Sep 27, 2010

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