MI Teachers
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Why aren't we, teachers, marching in the streets daily to protest the unfair 3% deduction from our pay, into a retirement fund, that isn't guarenteed to be there when we retire? Why don't we see other state employees paying this?
Pam I am with you 100%! I spoke to MEA about this in July and was told that there was a class action lawsuit being filed...so far I haven't seen anything. It is unconstitutional to break our contract with the state and made to pay the 3%. We need to get together and fight back.
Oct 3, 2010
HPS Ditto on the with you 100%! We do need to fight back!

On 10/03/10, Pam wrote: > I am with you 100%! I spoke to MEA about this in July and > was told that there was a class action lawsuit being > filed...so far I haven't seen anything. It is > unconstitutional to break our contract with the state and > made to pay the 3%. We ...See More
Oct 12, 2010

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