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Hello! I am about to graduate from a NY state accredited Early Childhood dual Gen. Ed./Special Ed. MASTERS Program. This program leads to NYS certification to teach gen ed and spec ed to children 0-8yrs of age (birth-2nd grade). I am trying to decide if getting certified in NYS PRIOR to applying to MI for certification, will benefit me in any way. The NYS exams are brand new and intensely rigorous (one is the dreaded edTPA portfolio which takes an entire semester to complete) and I am pregnant with a toddler just trying to finish this damn degree! I have been informed by the MI certification agents (via the Dept of ed. .gov) that regardless of whether I come in with a nys cert. or not, I will have to take all the MI exams regardless. This makes me think I should forgo the expense and time I would spend to get a NYS cert. and just come to MI with my masters, ready to take all your cert. tests. Can anyone add info or advise me as to whether there would be ANY downside to forgoing the NYS...See More

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