MN Teachers
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Isn't teaching fun! I've just gottten all my winter stuff
put away, and was starting to shift my classroom focus to
spring when winter finally shows up! The kids were skating
to the buses yesterday when leaving school, because the
side walks were so icey. Last night we got such a blast of
rain we had water in our basement this morning, that
usually only happens when we get the nastiest of

Can't wait for that sun to return!
Rita /blockquote>

We would have had storm day on Sat. if it would have been a
school day! Drifts are all over the place here in
northwestern MN. The snowmobilers are happy, even though it
will be a very short season for them.

On 3/09/02, Diane wrote:
> Hello,
> Isn't teaching fun! I've just gottten ...See More
Mar 10, 2002

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