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My teacher preparation program in the UK allows me to teach
across the K-12 range (under QTS - qualified teacher status
rules), however, the specific route that I took was in
Business Ed (thus my preperation was weighted towards
secondary). This is reflected in my credential evaluation
by WES. But the fact here is, that post qualification I
have more primary experience (the nature of qualification
is more open and this is allowed under UK QTS rules).

Trouble is the state board for educator certification does
not appear to recognize this fact and I am having trouble
getting an elementary teacher license. They have issued a
Biz Ed middle/high school license. I've been hired by a
charter school who have requested a variance for me to
teach elementary, but this too has been rejected.

Does anyone know of a way to get the State of MN to accept
my experience?? Also what about credential evaluations...See More

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