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Greetings and Salutations-

My name is Robert E. Willis and I give motivational
presentations to students. Far more than just motivating
students, I inspire them to believe in themselves.

My presentation is loaded full of great information for
all students, whether they’re struggling with grades,
attendance, dealing with relationships, racial issues,
bullies, developing hope, or simply trying to understand
why they are in school. I have something for everyone,
including the staff at most schools.

Over the past 2 1/2 years I have spoken to over 16,000
students and most students, as well as teachers, agree
they have never seen anything like this before and that it
was truly inspiring to them on a personal level.

Please visit my website to read comments from people who
have already seen one of my presentations,
[link removed]

Take Care & Stay Motivated!!!

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