MN Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I am currently working on my B.A in elementary education
in Colorado. If all goes well I should have my Colorado
license in August of 2007. However, I am also interested
in Minnesota. I was wondering what the job market is like
for elementary teachers in your state. Is it as rough as
the rest of the country? Also, would I need Minnesota
licensure before I could apply to jobs in MN? Thanks in
advance, Mr. Chandler.
sec. teacher /blockquote>

I am a secondary teacher, but from what I know it is REALLY
difficult to get almost any type of teaching position here.
It seems like it's who you know or just plain luck that gets
you a job here. I've seen people get jobs who aren't the
greatest teachers, and great teachers not get jobs. I don't
think t...See More
Jul 5, 2006

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