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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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The company I work for has a bunch of stuff about to be
thrown away that I believe could be very useful to
teachers. I'm sure we'll have more supplies that we can
donate in the future too. I'm trying to find more
information on companies to classrooms, or any other non-
profit that helps teachers get the supplies they need. I
do not have the time to list each item individually on a
website and figure out how to get them to the teachers (I
found a lot of those websites). Ideally I would like to
load up my car with supplies and drop them off someday
after work (instead of watch them go in the trash). I
would drive pretty much anywhere in the twin cities area.
We mainly have paper, envelopes, transparencies, old
computers, and an old overhead projector. Please email me
[email removed].



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