MN Teachers
2 Members

Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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First, let me say that I am sorry for the timing of this
post, but I need the information. Second, my thoughts and
prayers are with those who suffered losses in the bridge

I have a friend who is desperately trying to convince
me that moving to MN will be the best thing in the world
because it is so easy to get a teaching job out there. I
am a teacher in another state and an English teacher to
boot, which means I'm used to there being pretty much no
openings for me anywhere. I wanted to come to the source
and ask about salary, availablity of jobs, and how you all
feel about teaching out there. Please any insights you can
offer would be appreciated. I know for example, where I
live the cost of living vs. pay is so bad that even as a
7th year teacher, I'm barely able to pay rent, car, and
student loans. I currently make $2000 a month after taxes
and my rent is $1000 (thank God for my h...See More
MN teacher /blockquote>

Minnesota is wonderful, I could go on and on about the
positives of living here - finding teaching jobs, however, is
not one of them. Here is one of the best sites I have found
for job searching:

[link removed]

That might give you an idea. A huge positive is that the cost
of living is fairly re...See More
Aug 7, 2007
MN ESL Teacher /blockquote>

There are NOT many teaching jobs in Minnesota. English
especially is not in high demand. That's not to say that
you wouldn't get hired, but don't count on it. Having
looked for jobs in other states (6), I would say that
Minnesota was by far the hardest place to find a job/least
job openings- and I'm from...See More
Aug 7, 2007

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