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OK this is going to be a very strange post, but I
needed to make sure that my freeaking out was truly
justified. I am also posting this on another state board,
but since the teacher in question teaches in a small town
near the MN border, I wanted to ask it here too.

I have a friend who is dating a teacher who was raving
about her open door policy. Thinking he meant her
classroom I asked him to explain. Her "open door" policy
is that she allows students to walk into her house at any
time for any reason. He said she works in a small town and
that's perfectly acceptable because it is a small town. I
grew up in a small town myself, my uncle is a teacher, and
he NEVER let students into his house. He never confirmed
exactly where he lived. I don't let my students know where
I live and have an unlisted number and I still teach in a
smaller town.

I freaked out about this. This is only her seco...See More

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