MN Teachers
2 Members

Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hi -- I began substitute teaching in MN this year. I have
a 4 year degree in Communication. I've enjoyed subbing for
the most part, but don't see doing it for the long term.
I'm trying to decide if I should pursue a Masters in
Education as possibly a reading specialist. I'm 41 yrs.
old, have some debt already, married with 2 kids gr. 5 and
gr. 3. I want to be home in the summers as my kids get
older, I don't want them on their own all the time, and I
will need to work. I don't know if it is worth the money
and stress to return to school. From these posts, it looks
like jobs are hard to come by in MN. If I specialize in
ESL or Reading, would that make it easier? harder?

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