MN Teachers
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While subbing in Worthington today, I heard a parent
talking about Minnesota possibly getting rid of grad
standards. Has anyone heard about this??

Colleen /blockquote>

Check out [link removed]

I hope this helps.

On 2/05/03, Lynn wrote:
> While subbing in Worthington today, I heard a parent
> talking about Minnesota possibly getting rid of grad
> standards. Has anyone heard about this??
> Thanks,
> Lynn
Feb 8, 2003
Angela /blockquote>

It is pretty much a done deal. There is a draft of the new
reading and math standards at the cfl website. They look much
better than those asinine performance packages they have been
subjecting us to the last five years. They are just
straightforward objectives like: "First grade students must
count to 1...See More
Apr 24, 2003

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