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does anyone know where I can buy whisper phones?
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Lesley /blockquote>

On 2/07/03, Steve wrote:
> does anyone know where I can buy whisper phones?

I ended up making my own because I couldn't find them
anywhere. Mine work wonders and the students love
them. I make them for friends and other teachers and
charge $3.00 each.
Mar 29, 2004
Lesley /blockquote>

On 2/07/03, Steve wrote:
> does anyone know where I can buy whisper phones?

I ended up making my own because I couldn't find them
anywhere. Mine work wonders and the students love
them. I make them for friends and other teachers and
charge $3.00 each.
Mar 29, 2004
steve /blockquote>

Hands-free whisperphones!
Oct 30, 2004
Andi /blockquote>

The Crystal Springs catalogue has 24 @ $2.00 each. They may
be called something other than whisper phones. I can't
remember what they call them, but they are cheaper than
making them
Mar 12, 2005
teacher /blockquote>

Crystal Springs calls them the Phonics
Phone...Winter/Spring catalogue (2005), page 24, #6316.
Good luck!
Mar 14, 2005

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