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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I just graduated in May and have been waiting for my
certificate. I passed the PRAXIS and recieved a postcard
from my college over a month ago stating that my information
was forwarded to DESE for certification.
I assumed that the process would take awhile but called DESE
a few days ago. The woman I talked to said that they haven't
even received anything!! I'm not sure what to do. I went
on an interview in Illinois last week, and they really need
my certification in a few weeks when I go to the board
meeting (provisional won't be a problem, I'm told, but I
need my MO cert). Anyway, today I got a call from a school
district I really want to teach for and they would like to
interview me on Monday. So, while I'm excited about the job
prospects, I'm worried this will hinder me, and it's really
not my fault. Has this ever happened to anyone else? On of
my college supervisors called me a few days ago and said she
would...See More
Cindy /blockquote>

Please be persistent and polite with DESE. They have
experienced major turnover in the last two years. I would
call and keep asking to speak to someone else until I found
someone that could tell me the specific steps needed to
resolve the problem. I'm assuming that you've already sent
the application for...See More
Jul 29, 2006
nicole /blockquote>

If the school of education has recommeded you for
certification, it should say so on your university
transcript. My school, UMKC provided with me a letter stating
that I had been recommended as well as a copy of my
transcripts that also stated that. While job hunting, I found
that was sufficient. The sch...See More
Jul 29, 2006

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