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I found this article on the net. Please, read and reply.


Fear of Math
If this article started by saying “Math,” many of us would
feel a shiver crawl up our spines, just by reading that
simple word. Images of torturous years in those crippling
desks of the math classes can become so vivid to our
consciousness that we can almost smell those musty
textbooks, and see the smudges of the #2 pencils on our
If you are still a student, feeling the impact of these
sometimes overwhelming classroom sensations, you are not
alone if you get anxious at just the thought of taking
that compulsory math course. Does your heart beat just
that much faster when you have to split the bill for lunch
among your friends with a group of your friends? Do you
truly believe that you simply don’t have the brain for
math? Certainly you’re ...See More

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