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Is anyone concerned that they won't be able to teach using
the new standards of "highly qualified" described by NCLB?
Especially those of you who are middle school or
elementary Lifetime certified and who don't have a
master's yet? We didn't have to take exit exams or the
Praxis. Will we have to take exams in all the areas we
teach? Does anyone know anything?

Highly Qualified Teachers: To be deemed highly qualified,
teachers must have: 1) a bachelor's degree, 2) full state
certification or licensure, and 3) prove that they know
each subject they teach.

State Requirements: NCLB requires states to 1) measure the
extent to which all students have highly qualified
teachers, particularly minority and disadvantaged
students, 2) adopt goals and plans to ensure all teachers
are highly qualified and, 3) publicly report plans and
progress in meeting teacher quality goals.

Demonstration of C...See More
Sharyl /blockquote>

I've been wondering the same thing. I am currently our
elementary Title I Math teacher. I hold a lifetime grades 1-
8 elementary certification.

Under the HQT requirements, must I have a math endorsement?

On 9/25/06, MO-Zarks wrote:
> Is anyone concerned that they won't be able to teach using ...See More
Sep 30, 2006

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