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Hello teachers!

Do any of you have experience with teaching children with
Selective Mutism? My son is starting kindergarten in the
fall (2008) and we are making arrangements to meet with his
school's principal and maybe even his future teacher as soon
as possbile. (He's a sweet, smart little guy who, while an
excellent speaker at home, has never said a single word or
audible sound in childcare or in his pre-K school.)

Any suggestions for dealing with the school?

We have had two students with selective mutism /blockquote>

You might consider going online to get one of several books
written about SM. This is one of the greatest problems that
must be overcome -- the lack of knowledge that most people
have regarding this condition.

When we first discovered that one of our students has SM, I
was lucky. I mentioned it onli...See More
May 20, 2008
curious /blockquote>

My daughter was SM thank God she out grew it. Make sure the
teachers, and counselors (sp) are well knowledgable about SM.
You would need a loving teacher and ofcourse understandable..
YOu don't want a teacher who would punish him for not
speaking. As a parent and teacher I had to become
knowledgable abou...See More
May 20, 2008

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